Here you can find commonly asked questions and answers.
Q: How can I find out about my property taxes?
A: You can contact our town treasurer, Laurie Brittnacher,
she will be able to help you.
Q: [FAQ Question]
A: [FAQ Answer]
Q: When is garbage or recylce pickup?
A: Goto John's Disposal to see their schedule
Q: [FAQ Question]
A: [FAQ Answer]
Q: Concerning burn permits
A: While Hebron does not issue written permits, we do require that if
a resident wants to burn a brush pile, etc. that they contact one of
the board members AND the Jefferson County Sheriff's Dept. indicating
their location and when they intend to conduct the burn.
Q: [FAQ Question]
A: [FAQ Answer]
Q: [FAQ Question]
A: [FAQ Answer]
Q: [FAQ Question]
A: [FAQ Answer]
Q: [FAQ Question]
A: [FAQ Answer]
Q: How do I renew the sticker on my car?
A: Click here to view the flyer.
Q: How to contact the DMV
A: General title or registration questions
Email: Vehicle Questions (Include the license plate number or the vehicle identification number in your email.)
Phone: (608) 264-7447
Q: How do I get an ID for voting?
A: Click here to view the document.